Auto Diagnostic Logiciel OBD2 Diagnostic

Auto Diagnostic Appareils

Basic Arduino example code to control a stepper motor 

Basic Arduino example code to control a stepper motor 

Now that you have wired up the digital stepper motor driver
and set the current limit, it is time to connect the Arduino to the computer and upload some code. You can upload the following example code to your Arduino using the Arduino IDE. For this specific example you do not need to install any libraries.

This sketch controls both the speed, the number of revolutions and the spinning direction of the stepper motor.

You can open the code in a new window by clicking on the button in the top right corner.

  1. /*Example sketch to control a stepper motor with A4988 stepper motor driver and Arduino without a library. More info: */
  2. // Define stepper motor connections and steps per revolution:
  3. #define dirPin 2
  4. #define stepPin 3
  5. #define stepsPerRevolution 200
  6. void setup() {
  7. // Declare pins as output:
  8. pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
  9. pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
  10. }
  11. void loop() {
  12. // Set the spinning direction clockwise:
  13. digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);
  14. // Spin the stepper motor 1 revolution slowly:
  15. for (int i = 0; i < stepsPerRevolution; i++) {
  16. // These four lines result in 1 step:
  17. digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
  18. delayMicroseconds(2000);
  19. digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
  20. delayMicroseconds(2000);
  21. }
  22. delay(1000);
  23. // Set the spinning direction counterclockwise:
  24. digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW);
  25. // Spin the stepper motor 1 revolution quickly:
  26. for (int i = 0; i < stepsPerRevolution; i++) {
  27. // These four lines result in 1 step:
  28. digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
  29. delayMicroseconds(1000);
  30. digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
  31. delayMicroseconds(1000);
  32. }
  33. delay(1000);
  34. // Set the spinning direction clockwise:
  35. digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);
  36. // Spin the stepper motor 5 revolutions fast:
  37. for (int i = 0; i < 5 * stepsPerRevolution; i++) {
  38. // These four lines result in 1 step:
  39. digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
  40. delayMicroseconds(500);
  41. digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
  42. delayMicroseconds(500);
  43. }
  44. delay(1000);
  45. // Set the spinning direction counterclockwise:
  46. digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW);
  47. //Spin the stepper motor 5 revolutions fast:
  48. for (int i = 0; i < 5 * stepsPerRevolution; i++) {
  49. // These four lines result in 1 step:
  50. digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
  51. delayMicroseconds(500);
  52. digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
  53. delayMicroseconds(500);
  54. }
  55. delay(1000);
  56. }

How the code works: 

The sketch starts with defining the step and direction pins. I connected them to Arduino pin 3 and 2.

The statement #define is used to give a name to a constant value. The compiler will replace any references to this constant with the defined value when the the program is compiled. So everywhere you mention dirPin, the compiler will replace it with the value 2 when the program is compiled.

I also defined a stepsPerRevolution constant. Because I set the driver to full step mode I set it to 200 steps per revolution. Change this value if your setup is different.

  1. // Define stepper motor connections and steps per revolution:
  2. #define dirPin 2
  3. #define stepPin 3
  4. #define stepsPerRevolution 200

In the setup() section of the code, all the motor control pins are declared as digital OUTPUT with the function pinMode().

  1. void setup() {
  2. // Declare pins as output:
  3. pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
  4. pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
  5. }

In the loop() section of the code, we let the motor spin one revolution slowly in the CW direction and one revolution quickly in the CCW direction. Next we let the motor spin 5 revolutions in each directions with a high speed. So how do you control the speed, spinning direction and number of revolutions?

  1. // Set the spinning direction clockwise:
  2. digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);
  3. // Spin the stepper motor 1 revolution slowly:
  4. for(int i = 0; i < stepsPerRevolution; i++)
  5. {
  6. // These four lines result in 1 step:
  7. digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
  8. delayMicroseconds(2000);
  9. digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
  10. delayMicroseconds(2000);
  11. }

Control spinning direction: 

To control the spinning direction of the stepper motor we set the DIR (direction) pin either HIGH or LOW. For this we use the function digitalWrite(). Depending on how you connected the stepper motor, setting the DIR pin high will let the motor turn CW or CCW.

Control number of steps or revolutions: 

In this example sketch, the for loops control the number of steps the stepper motor will take. The code within the for loop results in 1 step of the stepper motor. Because the code in the loop is executed 200 times (stepsPerRevolution), this results in 1 revolution. In the last two loops, the code within the for loop is executed 1000 times, which results in 1000 steps or 5 revolutions.

Note that you can change the second term in the for loop to whatever number of steps you want. for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) would result in 100 steps, or half a revolution. nema 23 gearbox

Control speed: 

The speed of the stepper motor is determined by the frequency of the pulses we send to the STEP pin. The higher the frequency, the faster the motor runs. You can control the frequency of the pulses by changing delayMicroseconds() in the code. The shorter the delay, the higher the frequency, the faster the motor runs.

La pieza de mano que cambio mi vida

Recuerdo ese aterrador ruido que escuche cuando era niño, aun hoy en día puedo sentir esa sensación que causaba en mí. Mi primera memoria de un consultorio dental es la sala de espera y ese estridente sonido que causaba la pieza de mano, claro que hasta aquel entonces no sabía qué clase de artefacto podía producir tan horrible ruido. Rápidamente descubrí que se trataba, algo que nunca había visto, mi curiosidad reemplazo mi miedo y luego mi curiosidad se convirtió en el incontrolable deseo de tener una para mí solo. Así, ese mismo día, me hice la promesa de que algún día yo sería un dentista.

Pieza de mano antigua pero confiable

Mi primera pieza de mano odontologia era nueva pero un modelo antiguo concentrix II de los años 80, rápida, poderosa y ruidosa. No era tan estilizada y moderna como la de muchos de mis compañeros de clase y todos me jugaban bromas debido a ella, pero cuando se trataba de hacer preparaciones en dientes, especialmente en metal, siempre se desempeño de maravilla.
Una revisión breve de las piezas de mano. Desde los antiguos taladros dentales hasta las piezas de mano de alta velocidad.

Las piezas de mano dentales han evolucionado durante los años (1). Un viejo profesor de mi universidad me solía contar sobre los viejos tiempos de la odontología. Cuando él era estudiante, me contaba, aprendió la profesión con esos viejos taladros dentales potenciados con una correa de cuero. Era terrible para los pacientes, handpiece 2decía, la vibración y el ruido hacían de la consulta una experiencia poco placentera.

Cuando las piezas de mano con turbina de aire aparecieron en la escena dental, el ruido se convirtió en un verdadero problema, ya que las piezas de mano de alta velocidad pueden producir entre 65 hasta 75 decibeles y cuando se trata de daño al oído, llegar a 90 decibeles se considera que puede causar daño permanente en la capacidad auditiva

(2). Quizás te ahorre dinero pero con el tiempo tus costos de salud se incrementaran.

Además, tienes que considerar el ruido incrementa los niveles de estrés en los pacientes más jóvenes y pueden hacer que sean poco cooperativos y si hablamos de tecnología que mal gasta el tiempo, realmente creo que una pieza de mano ruidosa se debe considerar como tal.

Gracias a los nuevos avances en tecnología dental, ahora tenemos las turbinas eléctricas con rodajes cerámicos que reducen el ruido hasta en un 15%, con mayor poder, control de torque y tamaños reducidos de cabezal para mejorar la visibilidad del campo operatorio. Las nuevas piezas de mano de última generación son sin lugar a dudas una buena inversión para el consultorio dental que tiene muchos beneficios que pueden disfrutar los pacientes y los odontólogos.(pieza de mano recta)

lámparas halógenas de polimerizacion dental

Que tener en cuenta al comprar una lampara de fotopolimerizacion dental

Años atrás y no muchos la cosa era bastante mas simple: era nada más lámparas halógenas de polimerizacion dental con algún que otro programa y listo.

En estos días pareciera que comprar una lámpara de polimerización dental requiere tener toda una instrucción previa dada la cantidad de información que los vendedores nos dan ( y muchas veces innecesaria) que no hace más que confundirnos.

Lampara de polimerización dental: Detalles

Las lampara de polimerización dental de elección al día de hoy son las lamparas de polimerización dental de Led, que han ampliamente superado por su tecnología a las hálogenas.

Sin intentar redundar en detalles ya a esta altura conocidos, entre otras cosas por la larga duración de la lámpara ya hacen una diferencia más que importante.

Cuando estas nuevas lamparas de polimerización dental de Led aparecieron, se le decia al odontologo que tenga cuidado cual compraba porque según la marca de elemento a fotopolimerizar podía o no hacerlo dado que la longitud de onda que salía podían escapar al rango de activación que poseía el producto y entonces no funcionarle.

Eso fue rápidamente superado y hoy ese problema ya no existe.

Otros elementos que podemos tener en cuenta van según gustos del operador, a saber:

Productos Relacionados:

lampara para blanqueamiento dental


Genius and Flash Point HWV5.05 Handheld ECU Programmer Master- All inform here

Genius and Flash Point HW V5.05 is the world first handheld ECU programmer with touch screen and intuitive menu, it can works with gearbox vag DQ500 that the old hardware version not support.

New Genius basic inform all here:
1. Hardware version: V5.05 (add gearbox vag DQ500 options)
2. Master Version, easy to use
3. Multi-language available: French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Hungarian
4. No tokens limitation: 30 tokens by default, after used out the tokens, just press “tokens reset button” to reovery tokens.
5. No need to work with a computer during the critical phases of reading and writing of the ECU, which ensure the process is executed in complete safety, these troubles can be avoided e.g. stalling issue, Windows crashes, power failure etc…
6. Works with more new vehicles than Kess. The new Genius covers CAN-BUS, KWP and J1850 protocols and has communication modules available for the following vehicles: Cars, Bikes and LCV.

7. Works with both petrol and diesel vehicles
8. Built in a sophisticated system for the recovery of the ECU in case any problems occur during programming.
9. System automatic backup.

Go on reading Genius more details:
New Genius Touch & Map Technical Specifications:
ABS plastic enclosure with ergonomic grip system safe
LCD display 320 x 240 pixels, CCFL back light with Touch Panel.
Flash memory chip 512K bytes protected.
16 MB RAM memory
SD card of 1 GB expandable
LED status SD
Internal clock with memory
Lithium 3 volts
Rechargeable battery 600 mAh 8.4V
Supply voltage from 12V to 30V
Communication via K line, L line, CAN-bus 2.0 and J1850

New Genius Available in Master.
As a consequence of the requests received from the market, a specific software has been developed for the independent management of New Genius called DS Manager. This is dedicated to skilled tuners who prefer to develop tuned files with third party editing software. DS Manager can decrypt and encrypt files received from New Genius, so allowing the possibility to export files for the modification. No editing functions are supported. Also for this specific software, a specific tool for the automatic checksum recalculation is provided.


NitroOBD2 Chip Tuning Box Tested Successfully

This is the test  did for Nitroobd2 chip tuning box working on vehicles— ISUZU, TOYOTA, NISSAN, Mazda.

Some tested report:

Used Nitroobd2 performance chip tuning tool to set up the fluid flow around the box

When it is plugged into OBD2 connector, NitroOBD2 receives the information from the car computer ECU. With the received data from ECU, NitroOBD2 adjusts the boost pressure, quantity of fuel, injection timing and pressure to increase the performance of your car.

Installed Nitroobd2 tuning box the Fortuner diesel hot stick and then see the results good drivers speeding driver hit economy does not escalate into it…

NitroOBD2 tool worked on Nissan for light throttle acceleration.

Installed NitroObd2 box on the Mazda 3, then press the accelerator gently up to 207 km/h

After driving 200 km road total, NitroOBD2 adjusts itself to the car, according to the drivers’ habits and always keeps remaping the ECU to increase the performance of engine.

Above is some of vehicles we tested, and uobd2 factory will go to test NitroOBD2 device on more vehicles.

Tested conclusion:

“NitroOBD2 Chip Tuning Box is very easy to use.”

Plug NitroOBD2 into OBD2 connector of your car. And turn the ignition on for 30 seconds. And Turn the engine on. NitroOBD2 settings are optimal and the best for your car. Even the parameters are different for each vehicle, there might not be a need to make an additional adjustment. NitroOBD2 will recognize your vehicle and your driving habits after around 200 km/150 miles driving, and then NitroOBD2 adjusts itself to match your car perfectly.

NitroOBD2 Chip Tuning Box works on the basis of changing the signal form ECU. As a consequence, it changes the whole injection map.

The main difference between NitroOBD2 Chip Tuning Box and Remapping tuning methods is that NitroOBD2 Chip Tuning Box is easily removable, and after unplug you go back to the factory settings. EcoOBD2 is the cheap and safe type of tuning. Remapping is a permanent change to your car. This is the expensive tuning and you cannot remove it.

NitroOBD2 is equipped with the engine protection function and 100% safe for your car engine. NitroOBD2 produced on the printed circuit board in SMD technology. NitroOBD2 Chip Tuning Boxes are high quality.

How to Use VVDI2 and ND900 Generate Buick Enclave Special Chip?

This post is about how to use Xhorse VVDI2 key programmer to generate special chip for Buick Enclave, and ND900 clone machine is used to recognize car key type.

Tools to use:

ND900 clone machine- used to recognize key type.

VVDI2 key programmer by Xhorse – used to generage special chip.

One original key and one new key

Step-by-step operate instruction:

This is Buick Enclave car.

See following picture, the left on in the hand is car owner’s original key, and the right one is the key that is programmed.

Just now a peer put a common 46 chip into the key and then program without success, actually, it is special chip.

Next, I will use VVDI2 key programmer by Xhorse to generate special chip.

Firstly, insert the key with common 46 chip into the coil of ND900, the chip type is recognized as “46 brand new unused”, see picture as follows.

Now I use VVDI2 to generate it as special chip.

Open VVDI2 Quick Starter, click on icon “Key Chip programming”.

Click “Generate Special Chip”, select “ID46 Chevry Circle Plus – PCF7936”, click “Generate”, special chip is generated

succefully, confirm it.
Agian put the key with special chip into the coil of ND900, the chip type is recognized as “Encrypted 46, brand new unused, encrypted mode”

Next is to get on the car and program key manually.

Firstly, insert original key into ignition, turn on, wait till the immobilizer light off.

Then, insert the new key into ignition, turn on, wait till the immobilizer light off. Then the new key can start the car.

After the key is tested working, again put the new key into the coil of ND900, you will find “brand new unused” after “Encrypted 46” disappear.


The Super BMW ICOM A2 Replace BMW GT1 and OPS Tool

Just for me , the super ICOM A2 tool has advanced configuration and high performance applications so that many people like it . There are some reason is listed why I like it .Multidiag Pro DS150? Bluetooth

On the one hand , the Super BMW ICOM support update online and software . Super BMW ICOM software is fully functions as the dealer workshop use, including BMW Group ISTA , BMW Group ISTA-P , BMW Group ISPI Local path, Super BMW ICOM updater v1.0 , Super BMW ICOM SN Reader and so on . And the Super BMW ICOM software platform use ISPI NEXT which is the latest platform developed by BMW AG . The Super BMW ICOM is one of the best after-market software for BMW diagnostic , coding, programming in the world, it is also an up-to-date software for online upgrade directly , software installed based on Windows 8.1 and fit for most of the laptops PC in the market with SATA port .

On the other hand , the Super BMW ICOM A2 has much more functions and features . This tool support all kind of language , just like English , Japanese , Chinese , Italian , Spanish , Russian and so on . And the Super BMW ICOM can upgrade the ISA-D software till the latest version and add fix the bug of full screen when using ISTA-P and ISPA-D . This tool also can add full language selection options internal ISTA-P and optimize the windows 8.1 first time start configuration .

To sum up , the super ICOM A2 tool is a useful tool that can help you deal with many problems . It’s worth to buy it .